To PMP or not to PMP that is the question! I need to decide and I am looking for your help. “You do not know me?” That is OK … you can still help … I have SOME books – I do not know what they are, and I read some of them, maybe 30%...
To PMP or not to PMP that is the question! I need to decide and I am looking for your help. “You do not know me?” That is OK … you can still help … I have SOME books – I do not know what they are, and I read some of them, maybe 30%...
Through this blog post we share a presentation on project management certifications, what are they, who issue them, what values do they offer the individuals or hiring managers, and what are their limitations. [slideshare id=33485744&doc=pmcertifications-140414005032-phpapp02]
Today – I am a bit frustrated with the unethical behaviors from some organizations, especially not for profit organizations that promote certifications as the holy grail of project management and “without a PMP there is no project management“.
In this blog we will do something different – post a presentation from slide share. [slideshare id=32342236&doc=introductiontoprojectmanagement-140315050113-phpapp01]
In this article we discuss a situation that is somewhat representative of the project management training – in particular PMP training. This case reflects some of the bad situations out in the market but we must stress this is not about all providers. Like everything else in life there are good, bad, and ugly situations....
This is a short post in response to a reader question on our last post. What is the difference between the project life cycle and the project management life cycle?
This post is an Appendix in a book we are finalizing at this time to send to the publisher; Redefining the Basics of Project Management is expected in the market by the end of March 2014. It is common to hear the following question: “how much effort should we spend on planning” or “how long...
This is an article by a guest author! We publish here to allow a diversity of opinions and contributions from professionals around the world. Publishing an article – represent the opinion of the author and not necessarily SUKAD. In some cases we might even have a different view than the article published and in those...
In this article we address a major gap in the practice of project management today! Our hypothesis is that this GAP is one of the leading factors contributing to project challenges and failures. This is a controversial topic since it touches on what project management professionals practice – based on their understanding of global standards, such as...
Are you a holder of the CAPM®, PMP®, or other certifications and still have some uncertainties about how to manage projects effectively? You are not alone! Many studies (Standish Group CHAOS Report, Independent Projects Analysis, Oxford Universities …) show that most projects still fail or are challenged. Despite the fact that IPMA, PMI, and other...